Monday, March 16, 2009

Alma Vargas life story

That day has come for her to be born am so exited because my first little girl is going to be born me and my son Miguel are so happy.i was also thing what name to put on my first little girl i was thinking of putting her Daniela just like her father but i guess i like Alma better because Alma means soul and she will be my soul.anyways a few days has pass and little Alma's father just passed way i got so sad because my little girl is not going to have her father and how would i explain to her when she grows up and around what age should i tell her the true.It has got to the moment Alma gave her first steps.I was happy because she ran to me,and also when she said her first word.Her first world was ''ma ma ''that made me so happy.Her brother and her like to play a lot.few years passed and she is five years old she is very loud and likes to cry a lot .I don't know was happening to her she cry more she does things she is not suppose to she just got bad but the days got even closer for me to tell her about her dead father i am afraid she might react differently then she does now. Well few years has passed and she is 12 years old and she had told me that what happen to her father and i told her that her father has passed away but first i asked her who had told her and she said her aunt had told her. i saw her tears falling down her cheeks i didn't know what to do because i saw that she was hurt but i didn't know in what way to help her so then i told her to cry that crying will relieve the pain. then i started telling her how he was like he was funny nice and then i told her how he died and then i said to her that no matter what your father will always be watching after you and then she had relaxed down and then i gave her a big hug it. then i had explain to her to be happy and to not let this pass hurt you all your life.then she had two years passed on and she is 14 years old she is in 7 grade and i started seeing that she got a bad report card and she started being bad and skipping the after school program to go hang out with her friends i was seared for her because i am afraid she will go into bad steps i though to my self i should straight her before she gets in a gang or gets into bad steps that she ain't suppose to i cut her hair so she could straight her self so she did i had said sorry to her for doing that to her.But i had no choice she was getting out of control so i had to do something about it before she messed up even yep she stop being bad and i am proud of her for controlling her self so she had to go to summer school because she had failed 7 grade but i got happy because she had passed summer school .Few months had passed and she is in 8 grade and i am happy because its her last year there in her middle school and she has turn in to a good teenager but some problems from her father has affect her so she started cutting and that made sad and depressed because she had to be send to the hospital. then she came out of the hospital and she got so happy but then they put her in the hospital again because she had said she want to kill her self. but she was there for only two weeks and i miss her being in the house i feel in complete because i don't have my first little girl around me. so then she got out on march 11 and i am so happy but at the time sad because he had to spend her birthday in the hospital .and she is already 15 and each day she gets bigger and bigger but no matter what she will always be my little girl .

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