Thursday, March 19, 2009

her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I just got of my vacation from Orlando Florida. On February 14 I got back and I already have this big mystery I have to solve. The only information I got is about this young girl. Her name is Amanda Martinez she is 17 years old, her height is 6’2, she has brown hair, she is kind of dark skin, her eye color is brown. They said they found her dead body laid in Kimball Park. Now i am driving to the park to go check it out. As soon as I got there I notice that she was pregnant. But the appellants couldn't’t do nothing about the baby because it died with the girl. I check around the park and I saw blood from the street to the body. It seemed that she was running from somebody. But now I am trying to locate the young girls family.

It is February 15 the second day of Amanda Martinez dead and still they haven’t found information from her family. Well i had been working on the case and i found where the girl lives.i got of the computer and graved my coat and told the other detectives that i am of to the young girls house. They tell my if i need some back up and i told them no and that i would be as i went to the girls house i knocked and knocked and no body open the door and then i had to open it so i kicked the door open and i found this guy and i asked him if he knows Amanda Martinez and i the guy sutured and said uh yea she was my girl friend. and i told the guy Sir you have to come with me to ask you some questions. and the guy says okay let me get my jacket and i told him okay but make it fast.

As he went with me i tell him what is your name Sir the guy says my name is Michael. i had check his record and it was clean.Then i asked Michael so how long you and Amanda been together about 4 months. then i we got to the police station.then i told him you know Amanda is death and then says no what happen to her,how she die. He seemed shocked of hearing the bad news and we gave him water to ca med down.then i asked him did anything surprising happened he said um nope nothing happened and then i told hem okay your free to go home. The guy said thanks and then i told him no thank you for your time

It is the next day already February 16, 3 days from Amends's death and still no sign from her mother or father. Then i went to Kimball Park to find more stuff and there was a note i opened it and it was a note of Amanda writing to her friend and it said that she is cheating on Michael. Then i went back to Michael's house and told Michael sir you need to get out of the house i need to search your house and Michael said why all scared about it and i told him sir listen or I'll will have to hurt you and the man kept denying from getting out and he says okay okay i can't take it any more and i told take what i killed my girl Friend it is because she had cheated on me with my best friend. sir your coming with me to the police station. That guy said but i had to do it ,please don't lock me. i am unsent.The men has been locked up for life for committing a murder

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