Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

i think my wife is crazy because i was talking to her and she wants to get rid of my children which i don't want to because i love my kids to much and i can't never abounded them.Well my wife's plan was to wake up our kids early in the night and take them to the woods and to tell them that we were going to chap of woods in the forest and that we will be right back.Also we were going to give them some bread for the day so our kids could eat.but i don't want to be part of this plan because there my kids and i can't just leave them behind that is to dangers what if the animals form the forest eats them. i remember when my kids were born they look so cute because there my children but i had to agree with my wife because at the time she is so right we can feed them we don't got the money or the food but i tryed to tell her that we don't have to do that that i could just go find another job and work so i could feed all of us, but my wife didn't agree she still wants to get rid of my kids she just don't care about them she only wants to feed her self and only cares about her self. i don't understand those are her kids to she should have feelings for her on blood. But as soon as i can i am going to go look for my kids when we finish dropping them off. from the forest and then i am going to go pick them up and i am going to tell them how much i love my kids and then i am going to take them to my sisters house and i am going to feed them.. so as i went to go look for them i went to the spot i had left them and i only saw the fire on and crumbs of bread i was really scared at the moment because i was expecting to see my kids there and alive but no they wont there now what i am going to do the least think i could do is look for them oh wait i see some foot steps they look like if there are my kids foot step iam going to try fallowing them so as i follwed them i saw a house that it wasn't just any house i was a house made of bread,cake,and candys but i had to fallow the foot steps so i fallowed them and i saw that the steps led me to the house what if there in dangre with the person that they are with but i thinking there alone i think i should knock on the door if anybody is there as i knock i shout out my kids name but noone answered i got to the point that i wanted to cry them out of no where this old lady came and said yes young man have you losted anything and i said yes i lost my kids a girl and a boy and i as i told her i toke out my walet and showed her a picture of my kids but she said that she hasn't seened them and and then he says can i get a glass of water is because i been walking for the longest and i am very tierd and the lady told yes my dear i'll be back with the glass of water intill i had heard so kind of noisy up stars and i tryed to fallow the noisy and i sound lik my kids voice the wear crying and yelling for help and i told my kids don't worry your father is hear to help and they stoped crying and as fast as i could i try to open the door were they were locked in and i open it and i told my kids to wait hear wild i ask the old lady for another favorite but i had to think what to ask her i had i asked her if she could ge me more water and she said sure young man as she went i told come down and to wait out side so then i left and said good bye and thank you and we left and i never wanted to take my kids to the forest again and then i told them that is a promiss

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