Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kate chopin


The story of an hour is a very interesting story because she acts like she cares about her husband and she startes thinking that she has freedom once she found out that her husband had died and she was already was making her plans of her life and then she had saw that her husband had walk in the door and i guess she got shocked and had a heart attack and died. but people that were there thought that she had a heart attack because she got happy but i know that its is not true she died because she was surprise that her husband was alive when she wanted her husband to be dead. but i guess they confused her husband with another men.What i think of this story is that it is messe4d up because hse didn't even loved her husband she was just pretending to love her. I think the word freedom fit in the story because the lady wanted to have freedom from her husband and once she found out that her husband was dead she got happy but then she saw that her husband was alive.


Well what i think about this story is that it was really sad because the blind man was poor and lonely and it seemed that he had nobody in his life that cared about him and thats why i think its sad because the old men was so lonely and then some kids come and try to take his pencils and nobody helps him when he is half why dying and nobody seems to care and then this guy comes and courses the street and gets hit buy to cars and that when people start coming to help that man but then the people find out that he is the most important men from that block and everybody helps him but not the old men just because he so poor and also they all ignore the blind men which he needs help more then everybody.I think that disable,rich and poor fit in the story because they only help the rich men that got hit by a car but doesn't help the blind men that is poor and lonely and half way dying that's why i think this story is so sad.


well i think that this story is so messed up because Desiree when she was little got adopted.Then she grows up and gets married and has her kids with this french boy.It is result that the kid is black so then the husband kicks her and the baby out and they go live back with her mother and then the husbands finds this note that is written from his mother to be given to the father and he finds ou that he is black that's how his kid came black but he didn't believe his wife when he asked her .I think racism does fit in this story because the husband is racism to black people and he doesn't like to accept that he is black and not his wife

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