1.Respond:The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.Which rules would be hardest for you to follow?Why?
They have to obey the rules because they don't want to get caught.The hardest rule that will be hard for me to follow would be to not hear loud music, stay away from the streets,and share a room with a stranger
2a. :Recall: In Scene 1,What objects does Mr.Frank find in the Secret rooms?The things that Mr. frank finds is a box and in that box it has a diary.
2b. Connect:How are the objects connected with the rest of the act? The diary is connected to the act because Anne starts write what happens each day and she explains how she feels.
3a.Recall:What special meaning does Hanukkah have the families?The special meaning of Hanukkah is that they stay together,have presents,and that's there religion.
3b.Deduce:What do Anne's presents show about her?I think that the presents show about Anne is that it seems that she cares and that even thought there poor they could always celebrate there believes and there religions.
3c. Interpret:Why do the others react with enthusiasm to there presents?I think others act enthusiasm with there presents because at least there are given something and they should be proud that there are able to have a great time in Hanukkah.
4a.Evaluate: With a partner,discuss Mr.Frank's Statement ''There are....no locks that anyone can put on your mind.'' How does Anne prove that this is true?The way Anne proves the true is by telling them that they are going to die some day are be found.also she explains about how she has to fall in love because she had a feeling that they will be send to death camp.
4b. Discuss:share your answer with a partner and then with the rest of the class.
5a. What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding? the thing that cause the franks to go into hiding is that they don't want to be sent to death camp. and they have to hide because they have to protect there family.
5b.What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?The situation they have on there daily live is repeated and they have to be really careful on how loud they are and also they will have to know on how they trust.
6a.In Scene 2 Anne and Peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes.What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?Is to compare the difference between the Nazis and the Jewish that's why they have the stars
6b.What background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects?The information helps me by describing them and how they are treated.
7. Dialogue
1. Reveals character and relationship
2. Advances the action of the plot
3. Develops the conflict
8.After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the franks and the Van Daans in hiding,What does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?they have there very own personalities and seines they have different they don't know if they will get along or if there is going to be arguments or fights.
Questions page 870 (1-9)
1. Respond: What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend? i would love having her as a friend because she is for real and she will tell you the truth and she don 't care how bad would be the truth she will just throw it to you and also she knows how to show her feelings and she will defended her self from anybody that has tryed to hurt her
2a.Recall: What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on New Year's Day?The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler bring on New Year's Day is that they had to share a the house with another jaws and then Mr.Van Dann got so rued and said that there was not going to be enough food but yea at last he is the one eating the food.
2b.What hints does this give about the ending of the play?Well the hint i saw that was given is that the Jews went throw really hard times because they had to be locked in the same room.and they couldn't breath fresh air.
3a.Recall: What is the time span of Act II?They were at least for two years.
3b. Interpret :How have the charecters changed since the end of Act I? I think the charecters changed because they were fustrated and anoyed of seen the same people in the same house for at least 2 years and a few months i think i would go crazy and also i think that some of the charecter changed because they started thinking negive and they wouldn't know how to control that and seens they got anoyed they insult each others For example like Mrs. Frank she got to the point to kick one of the members in the house out.
4a. Draw Conclusions: How can Anne believe that ''. . . in spite of everything . . . people are really good at heart?Well i think that she thinks that because she is a good person and i think if she was a Nazis her parents will make her think that to and also. she thinks that there is no diffrence in them there humans and they got feelings and they are just doing what they are suppose to.
4b.Interpret:What does Mr.Frank mean When he says : she puts me to shame''?I think he said that because she stills belive that the Nazis are nice people and i think that he don't like when his daughter thinks that way.
5a.For each of the Following event,identify one cause and one effect:Mr.Van Dann's decision to steal food? they had a decision by stealing food because the members in the house didn't have that much food and then Mr. van Dann takes the food and eats it at night and he don't even think about the little kids he only thinks about him self to be full.
5b. Mrs.Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Dann to leave.becuase she was tierd of Mr. Van Dan and then he is going to eat the food with out careing about the kids that they won't have enough food.
6. What are some possible cause of Mrs.Van Dann's attitude toward Anne and peter relationship?I think that some possible cause of Mrs.Van Dann 's attitude toward Anne and Peter relationship she is like really actife.
7. living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the ''Secret Annex.''List three effects that result from this single cause
The Diary of Anne frank act 1&2
15 years ago
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