Monday, May 18, 2009

The diary of AnneFrank Questions P832(1-8)P870(1-9)

1.Respond:The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.Which rules would be hardest for you to follow?Why?
They have to obey the rules because they don't want to get caught.The hardest rule that will be hard for me to follow would be to not hear loud music, stay away from the streets,and share a room with a stranger

2a. :Recall: In Scene 1,What objects does Mr.Frank find in the Secret rooms?The things that Mr. frank finds is a box and in that box it has a diary.
2b. Connect:How are the objects connected with the rest of the act? The diary is connected to the act because Anne starts write what happens each day and she explains how she feels.

3a.Recall:What special meaning does Hanukkah have the families?The special meaning of Hanukkah is that they stay together,have presents,and that's there religion.
3b.Deduce:What do Anne's presents show about her?I think that the presents show about Anne is that it seems that she cares and that even thought there poor they could always celebrate there believes and there religions.
3c. Interpret:Why do the others react with enthusiasm to there presents?I think others act enthusiasm with there presents because at least there are given something and they should be proud that there are able to have a great time in Hanukkah.

4a.Evaluate: With a partner,discuss Mr.Frank's Statement ''There locks that anyone can put on your mind.'' How does Anne prove that this is true?The way Anne proves the true is by telling them that they are going to die some day are be found.also she explains about how she has to fall in love because she had a feeling that they will be send to death camp.
4b. Discuss:share your answer with a partner and then with the rest of the class.

5a. What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding? the thing that cause the franks to go into hiding is that they don't want to be sent to death camp. and they have to hide because they have to protect there family.
5b.What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?The situation they have on there daily live is repeated and they have to be really careful on how loud they are and also they will have to know on how they trust.

6a.In Scene 2 Anne and Peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes.What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?Is to compare the difference between the Nazis and the Jewish that's why they have the stars
6b.What background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects?The information helps me by describing them and how they are treated.
7. Dialogue
1. Reveals character and relationship
2. Advances the action of the plot
3. Develops the conflict

8.After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the franks and the Van Daans in hiding,What does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?they have there very own personalities and seines they have different they don't know if they will get along or if there is going to be arguments or fights.

Questions page 870 (1-9)

1. Respond: What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend? i would love having her as a friend because she is for real and she will tell you the truth and she don 't care how bad would be the truth she will just throw it to you and also she knows how to show her feelings and she will defended her self from anybody that has tryed to hurt her

2a.Recall: What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on New Year's Day?The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler bring on New Year's Day is that they had to share a the house with another jaws and then Mr.Van Dann got so rued and said that there was not going to be enough food but yea at last he is the one eating the food.
2b.What hints does this give about the ending of the play?Well the hint i saw that was given is that the Jews went throw really hard times because they had to be locked in the same room.and they couldn't breath fresh air.

3a.Recall: What is the time span of Act II?They were at least for two years.
3b. Interpret :How have the charecters changed since the end of Act I? I think the charecters changed because they were fustrated and anoyed of seen the same people in the same house for at least 2 years and a few months i think i would go crazy and also i think that some of the charecter changed because they started thinking negive and they wouldn't know how to control that and seens they got anoyed they insult each others For example like Mrs. Frank she got to the point to kick one of the members in the house out.

4a. Draw Conclusions: How can Anne believe that ''. . . in spite of everything . . . people are really good at heart?Well i think that she thinks that because she is a good person and i think if she was a Nazis her parents will make her think that to and also. she thinks that there is no diffrence in them there humans and they got feelings and they are just doing what they are suppose to.
4b.Interpret:What does Mr.Frank mean When he says : she puts me to shame''?I think he said that because she stills belive that the Nazis are nice people and i think that he don't like when his daughter thinks that way.

5a.For each of the Following event,identify one cause and one effect:Mr.Van Dann's decision to steal food? they had a decision by stealing food because the members in the house didn't have that much food and then Mr. van Dann takes the food and eats it at night and he don't even think about the little kids he only thinks about him self to be full.
5b. Mrs.Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Dann to leave.becuase she was tierd of Mr. Van Dan and then he is going to eat the food with out careing about the kids that they won't have enough food.

6. What are some possible cause of Mrs.Van Dann's attitude toward Anne and peter relationship?I think that some possible cause of Mrs.Van Dann 's attitude toward Anne and Peter relationship she is like really actife.

7. living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the ''Secret Annex.''List three effects that result from this single cause

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


1. I Learned that the word GHETTO is originally from the Jewish.
2. I learned that in many places they were ghettoizing last to relatively short time
3. i learned that the Germans established at least over 1,000 ghetto's.
4. I learned that in the largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw Ghetto
5. I learned that in some ghettos,members of Jewish had there movement to be ready and armed
6. I learned the German's deported most of the Hungary to Auschwitz's in the killing center
7. A ghetto police force enforced the orders of the German's authorities
8.the German's forbid any schooling and education
9. i learned that the ghetto was organically by the Jewish it started in the 1516.
10. the police murder at least 2,700,000 in the killing center by shooting at then
11.they also contained property's of the Jewish in a storage at the killing center
12. the hitters killed anyone that didn't have the blue eyes and yellow hair
13. When they toke people they were gas at least 6,000 people a day
14 they made camps and to work and to get there freedom
15. the people had they were forced to were stars to tell them apart
16. they all had sorts of the camps so they would kill people in
17.the Hitler will put people in the camps he will hardly give them food and feed them
18.the united states declared war to japan
19.the Jews also had to work for the Nazis by helping them make tranches
20.the Jewish didn't have a place to sleep or to stay at because they were all crowed together
21.the people had to sacrifice there life because they had to go places they could get hurt
22.Hitler couldn't have there baby's when they were pregnant
23. in the final months of the SS did a death march.
24.then the Germany and Italy asked for war to the United States
25. i learned that there are three type of ghetto
26. at least in two years they were almost three million people that were deported
27. the Nazis made a killing center for the Jewish to kill them
28.when all the girls went to camp they had to shave the hair of from there head.
29.they made camps that kill people with fire and gas.
30.when people work at there young age they usually don't make it to there freedom
31. The Germans attacked the ghettos and then destroyed in 1941
32.There is a book written by a Jewish survey in the camp.
33.The gas destroyed the vans and trucks then it caused a large amount of shooting woman and kids.
34Jewish and from Lodz area of Poland and Roma were killed there mobile and gas vans.
35.Germans reported the Hungarian Jewish to Auschwitz killing center
36.Jewish were always the six pointed star.
37.Jewish population of Europe stood over nine million in 1933
38.the Nazis came and started taking power on the Germany in 1933
39.I learned that the DP was closed in 1957.
40.At first time the Einsatzgruppen shot primarily Jewish man.
41.Hitler was on e of the best speakers
42.after the Jewish were and survived they were send home because they were scared.
43.the Hitler army didn't even lasted long
44.The Germans were the five pointed star
45.Hitler got kicked out from his art class
46.Hitler didn't like females that had makeup
47.some people now still work with Hitler
48.Hitler joined world war 1
49.Hitler's wife killed her self and she though that her husband will kill him self to just to join her.
50.Hitler had a sister the had down centering and her name was Paul but she changed her name to wolf.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

i think my wife is crazy because i was talking to her and she wants to get rid of my children which i don't want to because i love my kids to much and i can't never abounded them.Well my wife's plan was to wake up our kids early in the night and take them to the woods and to tell them that we were going to chap of woods in the forest and that we will be right back.Also we were going to give them some bread for the day so our kids could eat.but i don't want to be part of this plan because there my kids and i can't just leave them behind that is to dangers what if the animals form the forest eats them. i remember when my kids were born they look so cute because there my children but i had to agree with my wife because at the time she is so right we can feed them we don't got the money or the food but i tryed to tell her that we don't have to do that that i could just go find another job and work so i could feed all of us, but my wife didn't agree she still wants to get rid of my kids she just don't care about them she only wants to feed her self and only cares about her self. i don't understand those are her kids to she should have feelings for her on blood. But as soon as i can i am going to go look for my kids when we finish dropping them off. from the forest and then i am going to go pick them up and i am going to tell them how much i love my kids and then i am going to take them to my sisters house and i am going to feed them.. so as i went to go look for them i went to the spot i had left them and i only saw the fire on and crumbs of bread i was really scared at the moment because i was expecting to see my kids there and alive but no they wont there now what i am going to do the least think i could do is look for them oh wait i see some foot steps they look like if there are my kids foot step iam going to try fallowing them so as i follwed them i saw a house that it wasn't just any house i was a house made of bread,cake,and candys but i had to fallow the foot steps so i fallowed them and i saw that the steps led me to the house what if there in dangre with the person that they are with but i thinking there alone i think i should knock on the door if anybody is there as i knock i shout out my kids name but noone answered i got to the point that i wanted to cry them out of no where this old lady came and said yes young man have you losted anything and i said yes i lost my kids a girl and a boy and i as i told her i toke out my walet and showed her a picture of my kids but she said that she hasn't seened them and and then he says can i get a glass of water is because i been walking for the longest and i am very tierd and the lady told yes my dear i'll be back with the glass of water intill i had heard so kind of noisy up stars and i tryed to fallow the noisy and i sound lik my kids voice the wear crying and yelling for help and i told my kids don't worry your father is hear to help and they stoped crying and as fast as i could i try to open the door were they were locked in and i open it and i told my kids to wait hear wild i ask the old lady for another favorite but i had to think what to ask her i had i asked her if she could ge me more water and she said sure young man as she went i told come down and to wait out side so then i left and said good bye and thank you and we left and i never wanted to take my kids to the forest again and then i told them that is a promiss

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kate chopin


The story of an hour is a very interesting story because she acts like she cares about her husband and she startes thinking that she has freedom once she found out that her husband had died and she was already was making her plans of her life and then she had saw that her husband had walk in the door and i guess she got shocked and had a heart attack and died. but people that were there thought that she had a heart attack because she got happy but i know that its is not true she died because she was surprise that her husband was alive when she wanted her husband to be dead. but i guess they confused her husband with another men.What i think of this story is that it is messe4d up because hse didn't even loved her husband she was just pretending to love her. I think the word freedom fit in the story because the lady wanted to have freedom from her husband and once she found out that her husband was dead she got happy but then she saw that her husband was alive.


Well what i think about this story is that it was really sad because the blind man was poor and lonely and it seemed that he had nobody in his life that cared about him and thats why i think its sad because the old men was so lonely and then some kids come and try to take his pencils and nobody helps him when he is half why dying and nobody seems to care and then this guy comes and courses the street and gets hit buy to cars and that when people start coming to help that man but then the people find out that he is the most important men from that block and everybody helps him but not the old men just because he so poor and also they all ignore the blind men which he needs help more then everybody.I think that disable,rich and poor fit in the story because they only help the rich men that got hit by a car but doesn't help the blind men that is poor and lonely and half way dying that's why i think this story is so sad.


well i think that this story is so messed up because Desiree when she was little got adopted.Then she grows up and gets married and has her kids with this french boy.It is result that the kid is black so then the husband kicks her and the baby out and they go live back with her mother and then the husbands finds this note that is written from his mother to be given to the father and he finds ou that he is black that's how his kid came black but he didn't believe his wife when he asked her .I think racism does fit in this story because the husband is racism to black people and he doesn't like to accept that he is black and not his wife

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heideggers Experiment

Write down your observations on this experiment!

Well i Observe that the experiment was so messed up because the people that did the mistake when they were young. they had the chance to fix the mistake they did when they were young and then they were acting like jerks because they didn't know how to appreciate there opportunity and also they were fighting for the same girl and Also Widow Wycherley teasing them so that when they started fighting more and they spared the water all over the place and there was no way for them to be young again and also they were getting drunk and arguing for the girls to dance with them.and i also observe that being young is not the right thing for them because they don't act right they get out of control.Also when they look in the mirror they in see in there reflection that they are old. in my opinion is that they should of never invented the water because they don't know how to appreciate.and i also think that they should just keep on with there age and get old because if there always young they will not be who they are and i think that old people are nice.and rispectful. so in my vison i think that they just get rid off all the water so pople would apprcate there age and also so they won't act like such jerks

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby,The Sequel

I think that will happen next is that armand is going to keep the note and not show it to nobody because he don't want nobody to know that he is black and that his mother is black and since he is such a jurk he is not going to get back with his wife. Also i think that he will want to investigate if his mother really did die. and then he is going to talk to his father and his father will tell him that he is black and that he should be proud of his race and then at first he is not going to acept that he is black but then he is going to realize that he did a big mistake with his wife and he is going to say sorry to her,and his wife is going to say no because she wants to see if he had change about the way he thinks about black people. then armand is going to show his wife that he had change because he is going to show her the note that his mother wrote to his father after his mothers death,and then she is going to forgive him because hee had showed something really strong and that he diserves to be forgiven by his wife and i think that they should also forget about the whole problems thaey had and to just be happy because

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter,would you do it,especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary?why or why not? Us examples from the story.

if i were given a choice to have an operation that would make me much smarter, i wouldn't do it because it will only be temporary and also what if the surgery doesn't come out right what if the doctors make mistakes and also i wouldn't because i wouldn't know my reaction after the surgery or some diffrent effect of the surgery and also i think i don't need any type of surgery to make me feel better.Also in the story i saw that Algernon went threw a lot of pain because he didn't know how to read or write and he kept miss spelling the words and he wanted to be smart, and i think that he should be smart by having a surgery i think that he should be smart by working hard,and also he has to take the surgery every month or i don't know. but i do know that the surgery is temporary is you have to do the surgary over and over to be smart all your life and also thats why i think its best to be smart on your own and you don't want to risk your self of being dummer and also i think that you'll be dummer if you do the surgery and that your not smart on your own