Thursday, February 26, 2009

life changing event

The day that change my life was when i was little i been trick 11 years of my life .The way i got trick is by my mom lying to me by not telling me who is my real father. I found out that the guy that is living in my house is not my real father i though he was i though were the same blood.The way i found out is by my cousin and aunt they just threw it of like that.''Bank'' they just threw it on my face.but i didn't cry because i though that they were just playing or lying to me .so i was like wanting to cry and at the same time hold it in.

It hurt me really bad but i hold on my tears from falling. Then i decided to ask my mom if it was true so the day the minute and the hour had come i was 12 years old she was sleeping i went up to her and woke her up and said mommy i need to talk to you about my father,but she though i was talking about that guy that lived in my house.and then out of no were i say who is my real father suddenly she got up quickly and said what did you say and i repeat me self and said who is my real father and she lied and said your father is working.then i told her no he is not with a tears dropping out my eye .

Then she says why are you crying she said and i told her i am crying because i am confused i don't know who is my real father. Then she starts telling me and says this is going to be really strong for you but your father is not working,then she slowly says your father is dead.then my heart starts to beep fast and my tears starts dripping one by one,trying to take a deep breath and then i start asking my mom questions how he die, she said to much drugs and Alchole. and then i asked her when he died she said January 7,1994 before i was born.

After that day all i do is cry at nights and some times cut my self, also my behavior changed i started been bad but then i stopped in eight grade which is now because i am trying to graduate. but the cutting and crying hasn't change for nothing. Some times i try to kill my self just too go see my father and to meet him and to be with him.and some times cutting takes the pain away and every time i remember my moms words when she told me had passed out but my relation ship with my step father changed i hardly trust him and talk to him, and that's how its going to be because i just don't see him as my father

life changing event

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i agree parents are the best teachers

I agree that parents are the best teachers. My first reason is because our pernets know what they been threw. My secound reason is that our perents also went to school. My third reason is that our perents take care of us an watch after our selfs .This are my three reaso i think my perents will teach better then teachers .

My first reason is that they know what they been threwthey could teach what is good or wrong.they would also know more then us little kids because they went threw in the pass they also experienced threw lots of things like puperty and sex and much more things. They know what is best for us they when we are going to do something stupid and they know how to strighten us or me

My Secound Reason is that they went to school to and they could teach us what they learned in the pass. They learn also and went to school so they know things in a easyer way like the things they saw in the present and some perents were on there own.They teach well and they don’t yell at us or give us detentions. I think we will learn better with our perents because they would know how to teach us

They went to school to,they learn also and went to schoolso they know things in a easyer way,they teach well and won’t yell at us,they would know how to teach us.Maybe when your oerentss were little they went threw something that your going threw and they could teach you out of it.

My third Reason is They take care of us and watch after our selfs and they check us
they know our reations about our behavior. They really do care about usThey buy us what we need for there class and they know how to teach well especially when we are intertined They take care of us and watch after our selfs ,they know our reactions,they really do care of us,they buy us what we need our

Friday, February 20, 2009

skills everyone needs

The skill i think everyone needs is diffrent first reason is at this time there
hasn't been a person that knows all kinds of lanuage.My secound reason will be
that we won't be able to talk to people from diffrent places.My third reason
will be that eduatiion of the speeking lanuage.well these are my three reasons
why i think there should be more skills about diffrent lanuage.there would
be more reasons but yea i chose this three and i think there
the most important
My first reason would be that there is not enought people with dirffrent lanuage.
I think that everybody should be able to talk all the lanuage in the world because
its important that everyone nows the same lanuage and every body will be able to comunicate
in there difrrent lanuage.also why did they ever invet diffrent lanuage if they could just
speek the same once like janpenes.How they speek like that or china's lauage it similier to
japenes lanuage but they don't speek the same.
My secound reason that we won't be able to talk to diffrent people from diffrent places
an also when we travel we won't be able to talk to the other people and what if we need
to communitae on something really important.How we going to do it if we can't tell them
or ask them for help them i think that that there should be more people that know there
diffrent lanuage
My third reason would be eduation of diffrent lanuage.There is not alot of teachers teaching
diffrent lanuage. i think that there should be even more teacher's that.also i think that
if more people know the diffrent lanuage they would be smarter. and also they will proebly make
it to the words record for best knowing lanuage.Also they could commincate to diffrent people
from diffrent parts of the world .
Finally i though of the diffrent lanuage because its important that everyone knows the diffrent
knid of in order to commincate with people from diffrent places,and to be smarter
cause of the eduation the teacher will be teaching diffrent lanuage. well i think that
it to a the worlds record of knowing more lanuages then anybody

skills everyone needs

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The best day ever

well the best day ever of my life i don't think i got a best day ever i am always in a bad mood aways sad or mad but i think i got one it was the day of my birthdaybeacause i recived lots of money and my family was all happy but even thought i think i am not happy because i am not complete iam missing something or somebody its more like a person i am missing my father i wish he was alive so he could celebrate every b-day party i have. That day everybody was happy my whole family got along and there wasn't any drama.I was happy because everybody is happy,but now in this days all of my family is seperated they don't along theres always to much drama now.That day i recived money and gifts and hugs and kisses but i hope this year when i turn 15 it has to be the the happies day i mean the best day ever i went everybody to get along i want my mom to be happy and something i really wish with all my life is my father to be alive but that will never happen cause he is dead.but what iam trying to learn is that dead people are gone for ever and somedays i have to move on. but yea happy is the most important feeling in the body system i have to learn how to be happy and move on. well yea i was happy once in my whole life.

The best day ever