Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kate chopin


The story of an hour is a very interesting story because she acts like she cares about her husband and she startes thinking that she has freedom once she found out that her husband had died and she was already was making her plans of her life and then she had saw that her husband had walk in the door and i guess she got shocked and had a heart attack and died. but people that were there thought that she had a heart attack because she got happy but i know that its is not true she died because she was surprise that her husband was alive when she wanted her husband to be dead. but i guess they confused her husband with another men.What i think of this story is that it is messe4d up because hse didn't even loved her husband she was just pretending to love her. I think the word freedom fit in the story because the lady wanted to have freedom from her husband and once she found out that her husband was dead she got happy but then she saw that her husband was alive.


Well what i think about this story is that it was really sad because the blind man was poor and lonely and it seemed that he had nobody in his life that cared about him and thats why i think its sad because the old men was so lonely and then some kids come and try to take his pencils and nobody helps him when he is half why dying and nobody seems to care and then this guy comes and courses the street and gets hit buy to cars and that when people start coming to help that man but then the people find out that he is the most important men from that block and everybody helps him but not the old men just because he so poor and also they all ignore the blind men which he needs help more then everybody.I think that disable,rich and poor fit in the story because they only help the rich men that got hit by a car but doesn't help the blind men that is poor and lonely and half way dying that's why i think this story is so sad.


well i think that this story is so messed up because Desiree when she was little got adopted.Then she grows up and gets married and has her kids with this french boy.It is result that the kid is black so then the husband kicks her and the baby out and they go live back with her mother and then the husbands finds this note that is written from his mother to be given to the father and he finds ou that he is black that's how his kid came black but he didn't believe his wife when he asked her .I think racism does fit in this story because the husband is racism to black people and he doesn't like to accept that he is black and not his wife

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heideggers Experiment

Write down your observations on this experiment!

Well i Observe that the experiment was so messed up because the people that did the mistake when they were young. they had the chance to fix the mistake they did when they were young and then they were acting like jerks because they didn't know how to appreciate there opportunity and also they were fighting for the same girl and Also Widow Wycherley teasing them so that when they started fighting more and they spared the water all over the place and there was no way for them to be young again and also they were getting drunk and arguing for the girls to dance with them.and i also observe that being young is not the right thing for them because they don't act right they get out of control.Also when they look in the mirror they in see in there reflection that they are old. in my opinion is that they should of never invented the water because they don't know how to appreciate.and i also think that they should just keep on with there age and get old because if there always young they will not be who they are and i think that old people are nice.and rispectful. so in my vison i think that they just get rid off all the water so pople would apprcate there age and also so they won't act like such jerks

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby,The Sequel

I think that will happen next is that armand is going to keep the note and not show it to nobody because he don't want nobody to know that he is black and that his mother is black and since he is such a jurk he is not going to get back with his wife. Also i think that he will want to investigate if his mother really did die. and then he is going to talk to his father and his father will tell him that he is black and that he should be proud of his race and then at first he is not going to acept that he is black but then he is going to realize that he did a big mistake with his wife and he is going to say sorry to her,and his wife is going to say no because she wants to see if he had change about the way he thinks about black people. then armand is going to show his wife that he had change because he is going to show her the note that his mother wrote to his father after his mothers death,and then she is going to forgive him because hee had showed something really strong and that he diserves to be forgiven by his wife and i think that they should also forget about the whole problems thaey had and to just be happy because

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter,would you do it,especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary?why or why not? Us examples from the story.

if i were given a choice to have an operation that would make me much smarter, i wouldn't do it because it will only be temporary and also what if the surgery doesn't come out right what if the doctors make mistakes and also i wouldn't because i wouldn't know my reaction after the surgery or some diffrent effect of the surgery and also i think i don't need any type of surgery to make me feel better.Also in the story i saw that Algernon went threw a lot of pain because he didn't know how to read or write and he kept miss spelling the words and he wanted to be smart, and i think that he should be smart by having a surgery i think that he should be smart by working hard,and also he has to take the surgery every month or i don't know. but i do know that the surgery is temporary is you have to do the surgary over and over to be smart all your life and also thats why i think its best to be smart on your own and you don't want to risk your self of being dummer and also i think that you'll be dummer if you do the surgery and that your not smart on your own

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,Chapter 8-the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues, use example from the story to support your explanations.

FAMILY: Well i think that the Family change a lot because he stoped loving his wife and they grew apart because he wanted to do the stuff that people do on his age. Then him and his wife separated because for the same problems of the age and his wife couldn't do dose stuff because she was old and she only wanted to stay at her house and relax.Also as he grew smaller he had problems because his son wanted him to get old and his own son left him with his Nana.Also when he was born his father didn't like him because he couldn't believe that the old man was his son and also he didn't like him but as the time change he started like him because people will think that Benjamin and his father were brothers.As the time his family left him alone

AGE: As he was born his father didn't like him because of his age.He was told to do thinks he didn't like.And when he was a young kid nobody wanted him because he was to young to do things. i think that Benjamin went threw a lot of pain because its not his fault he was born like that. i don't think his father had the right to make him feel like that.and also when he was young his own son didn't want his father to be with him in public because he was to young for him. but when he was in his 30's he like it because that was the right age he was able to do things and nobody told him what to do or what to put on.And the people think that age matter because they didn't let him in Yale collage because he was to old and they send him to Harvard,And also when he was little he couldn't stay in collage no more because he was to little.

BEAUTY: When he was ugly and old nobody like him and nobody wanted him because he was old and ugly not even his own father liked him. his own father wanted him to look young. Also people didn't believe that was his son. and he got younger like a baby his own son didn't like him either because he was a baby. but on the age he had more beauty was when he was on his 30's or 20's everybody look up to him because he had the beauty and girls fould him and also he had the attention he wanted.But to me beauty doesn't matter

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,Chapter 3-7

After reading Chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each (skip a line)

1. I predict that the father is going to die and Benjamin is going to be alone when he gets little like a baby. I think that there is no solution for this problem because Benjamin will need his parents because its going to get to the point that he will forget how to walk and he will need help, and his parents won't be there for him and it will not be the same if they leave Benjamin with someone else

2. My second prediction is since he is getting younger he will have to leave his wife and he will want to get with girls of his age and he will also want to do things that are done on his age for example go to dances and party and he is going to want to take his wife but he can't because his wife is to old for dose stuff

3. My third is that since he has his son that is fourteen who is going to take care of his son i don't think that his wife could do it on her own because she is getting old and she will need help and there is not going to be nobody to help her. and probely he is not going to do nothing because he is get younger like a baby and is not going to think like a man he is going to react more like a baby

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say.What should he do ?

I think that benjamin should just take car of him because its his son and blood and he should take him like he is because its his son and he has always benn waitting for that moment for his baby to come. and now that he has his baby he treats him like if he is not his baby.he should just keep his kid and say the truth about him being his kids

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapter1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

If i were Roger button in chapter 1 and if my wife would of had a child that is really old i would feel so emberessed but at the time i will take him and take care of him because its not the babys fult that he was born that way and that he was born big and he should support him because he is his family and blood also because he is my child and just say the truth that my son came out to be a big boy.and i wouldn't afourd to be mean