Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It is September 6 ,1992 it was the time school started. Every since my father died we stop going to school. My father had left us in charge of My uncle. I really don’t like staying with my uncle because he makes us get up early in the morning like around 5:00 a.m just to started cleaning his house. My name is verkita I am 13 years old and I also have a brother that is 6 years old name is josue he also cleans. I really don’t like when he cleans, I think my little brother is to little to start cleaning. Well this is my pass I use to live with my father but my father died in the war before my father died he had gave us a special gift it is a beautiful white horse and my mother died because she had a heart attack. My uncle told my mother before she died that he will take good care of us but he only treats us like his slaves. My uncle only feeds us 1 time a day. we have wash the dishes,sgrub the floor feed there dog, wash the washroom, clean my cuisine room and my uncles room, and also go to the market and buy there groceries.We have to eat when we are finish with the cleaning so sometimes we eat late or sometimes we eat early. i really don't want to keep living like this. I had herd in my aunt and uncles conversation that my grandmother was coming and that we should be treated right just for the days my grandmother stays. I had ran to my little brother and i told him that our days was going to change just a few days. I said i am happy because i am not going to clean for a few days i was yelling and jumping up and down of joy. so the next day had come i had herd somebody knock the door and i went and said who is there and they said open up sweet heart its your grandmother dalia. I open up so happy and said grandmother i am glad your here, and grandmother dalia said ''how you guys been'' and i said un ha but then my uncle said hey there and then my grandmother forgot about it i was going to tell her but my uncle bump in.Then my uncle said verkita why won't you set the table please and i said okay i went and i told my brother help me set the table. i finish setting the table and my grandmother said i'll cut the bread and we all sat down at the table. and grandmother said hows things going. i wanted to tell my grandmother but i said to my self i'll tell her when i'am alone with her then i had the chance i was alone with my grandmother i told her out of no were and told her iam not happy hear grandmother me and my brother get treated like slaves , my grandmother said what you just said i said iam not happy can me and my brother go with you and then she told my uncle why you treat the kids like slaves and my uncle said who said that story and my little cusin said its true. and my grandmother said i aqm taking the kids with me and my grandmother said pack your things we are leaveing .and we left and we got happy and our life changed after my grandmother toke us with her

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

the things that drives me crazy is crying non stop
2.people that talk to much
3.people touching my hair
4.people that chew with there mouth open
6.i hate when people say something intresting and then they stop the conversation
7. when people are wrong and they don't want to admited
8. i hate when people judge other people
9.i don't like when people take everything serious
10.i hate when people call out my name a lot
11.i hate my name
12.i hate when people yell at me
13.i hate people that snore
14.i hate the grudge sound
15.i hate the saw movie can stand it
16.i hate when people wake up grumpy
17.i hate repeating beep nosies like my alarm clock
18.i hate when people talk about gang and when they thing is cute
19.i hate when people keep looking at me
20.i hate when people make noisy when i am watching the televistion
22.i hate when people laugh weird
23.i hate a dogs barging
24.i hate when people act stupid
25.i hate when there is to much air in my face

Monday, March 23, 2009

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I have this friend name Crystal I know her since we were baby because her mom and my mom get along and they to go to my house . We both go to the same school and she had told me that she likes this boy name Michael and i told her try asking him out and she says but he don't pay attenton to me. and then i told to move on . The reason she is my best friend is because she is the type of friend that won’t do nothing bad she is always shy about everything,also she had showed me that she will always be there for me, and same thing for me I will always be there for her.It was one early afternoon that I went to see my best friend Crystal at her house because she had called me that she needed to talk to me about a secret that is very important. So I got to her house and she told me to take a sit that I need to listen very clearly. Then she says promise me you won’t get mad I told her I promise but it depends on what secret it is. And then she says it slowly I am pregnant and I got shocked and I say what is wrong with you how can you be pregnant if your so shy and quited, And who is the father she says michael and i told her i though he don't pay attention to you

Thursday, March 19, 2009

her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I just got of my vacation from Orlando Florida. On February 14 I got back and I already have this big mystery I have to solve. The only information I got is about this young girl. Her name is Amanda Martinez she is 17 years old, her height is 6’2, she has brown hair, she is kind of dark skin, her eye color is brown. They said they found her dead body laid in Kimball Park. Now i am driving to the park to go check it out. As soon as I got there I notice that she was pregnant. But the appellants couldn't’t do nothing about the baby because it died with the girl. I check around the park and I saw blood from the street to the body. It seemed that she was running from somebody. But now I am trying to locate the young girls family.

It is February 15 the second day of Amanda Martinez dead and still they haven’t found information from her family. Well i had been working on the case and i found where the girl lives.i got of the computer and graved my coat and told the other detectives that i am of to the young girls house. They tell my if i need some back up and i told them no and that i would be as i went to the girls house i knocked and knocked and no body open the door and then i had to open it so i kicked the door open and i found this guy and i asked him if he knows Amanda Martinez and i the guy sutured and said uh yea she was my girl friend. and i told the guy Sir you have to come with me to ask you some questions. and the guy says okay let me get my jacket and i told him okay but make it fast.

As he went with me i tell him what is your name Sir the guy says my name is Michael. i had check his record and it was clean.Then i asked Michael so how long you and Amanda been together about 4 months. then i we got to the police station.then i told him you know Amanda is death and then says no what happen to her,how she die. He seemed shocked of hearing the bad news and we gave him water to ca med down.then i asked him did anything surprising happened he said um nope nothing happened and then i told hem okay your free to go home. The guy said thanks and then i told him no thank you for your time

It is the next day already February 16, 3 days from Amends's death and still no sign from her mother or father. Then i went to Kimball Park to find more stuff and there was a note i opened it and it was a note of Amanda writing to her friend and it said that she is cheating on Michael. Then i went back to Michael's house and told Michael sir you need to get out of the house i need to search your house and Michael said why all scared about it and i told him sir listen or I'll will have to hurt you and the man kept denying from getting out and he says okay okay i can't take it any more and i told take what i killed my girl Friend it is because she had cheated on me with my best friend. sir your coming with me to the police station. That guy said but i had to do it ,please don't lock me. i am unsent.The men has been locked up for life for committing a murder

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

My three reason that will help Logandale be a better school and will break kids or students attention will be by having better food which kids always love food .Also My second reason would be more activities kids love to have fun they don’t like to sit and work all day they like to have fun. My Third reason would be Out of uniform kids like to feel committable at all the time. These are my three reason that will help the Logan dale Middle school be a better school. Also it will break kids attention .

My First reason that will make Logan dale a better school is by better food because kids love to eat so of course they will wont there school to have good food. Also the kids will want more amount of food because they like to eat a lot like I do. Kids will wont more different choices of food, and that there allow to get to choices of food not only one choice. My last reason that will support my reason is that kids should sit where ever they want. They should not be separated from there friend from the other classes.These are my three ideas of why we should have better food

My second reason that will make Loagandale a better school will be that we need more activities. We should have more exploratory classes like gym, art, music, computer, and library . Also I think we should have more field trips sp we could explore and I think that we will learn more if we see things and also the nature .My last reason would be that we should have more time in our exploratory class because in the school time goes by fast

My third reason that will help Logandale be a better school will be by Out of uniform everyday. I think that kids shouldn’t be wearing the same thing 4 days a week. In my opinion I think that kids should feel comterble at school not be told what to wear every day.What is the point of having everybody wear the same colors every 4 days.I think that kids will concentrate more with there regular clothes .

The way that will help the school be a better place is by students having better lunch and of there favorite choice of food. Also kids should be sitting where ever they want in lunch. My other reason is that kids should have more activites and even more time in there exploratory class like a 1 hour ½ .My last reason is out of uniform everyday. I think that there is no point of having everybody wear the same thing or the same colors .Kids should feel conterble in school like they regularly do .These are the reason that will make Logandale be a better school.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Alma Vargas life story

That day has come for her to be born am so exited because my first little girl is going to be born me and my son Miguel are so happy.i was also thing what name to put on my first little girl i was thinking of putting her Daniela just like her father but i guess i like Alma better because Alma means soul and she will be my soul.anyways a few days has pass and little Alma's father just passed way i got so sad because my little girl is not going to have her father and how would i explain to her when she grows up and around what age should i tell her the true.It has got to the moment Alma gave her first steps.I was happy because she ran to me,and also when she said her first word.Her first world was ''ma ma ''that made me so happy.Her brother and her like to play a lot.few years passed and she is five years old she is very loud and likes to cry a lot .I don't know was happening to her she cry more she does things she is not suppose to she just got bad but the days got even closer for me to tell her about her dead father i am afraid she might react differently then she does now. Well few years has passed and she is 12 years old and she had told me that what happen to her father and i told her that her father has passed away but first i asked her who had told her and she said her aunt had told her. i saw her tears falling down her cheeks i didn't know what to do because i saw that she was hurt but i didn't know in what way to help her so then i told her to cry that crying will relieve the pain. then i started telling her how he was like he was funny nice and then i told her how he died and then i said to her that no matter what your father will always be watching after you and then she had relaxed down and then i gave her a big hug it. then i had explain to her to be happy and to not let this pass hurt you all your life.then she had two years passed on and she is 14 years old she is in 7 grade and i started seeing that she got a bad report card and she started being bad and skipping the after school program to go hang out with her friends i was seared for her because i am afraid she will go into bad steps i though to my self i should straight her before she gets in a gang or gets into bad steps that she ain't suppose to i cut her hair so she could straight her self so she did i had said sorry to her for doing that to her.But i had no choice she was getting out of control so i had to do something about it before she messed up even yep she stop being bad and i am proud of her for controlling her self so she had to go to summer school because she had failed 7 grade but i got happy because she had passed summer school .Few months had passed and she is in 8 grade and i am happy because its her last year there in her middle school and she has turn in to a good teenager but some problems from her father has affect her so she started cutting and that made sad and depressed because she had to be send to the hospital. then she came out of the hospital and she got so happy but then they put her in the hospital again because she had said she want to kill her self. but she was there for only two weeks and i miss her being in the house i feel in complete because i don't have my first little girl around me. so then she got out on march 11 and i am so happy but at the time sad because he had to spend her birthday in the hospital .and she is already 15 and each day she gets bigger and bigger but no matter what she will always be my little girl .